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Chemical addiction

Chemical addiction

Chemical addiction

Chemical addiction is a health condition characterized by excessive dependence on chemicals such as drugs, alcohol, or other substances, leading to changes in behavior, mind, and body. Chemical addiction is typically classified as a chronic disease that can affect individuals physically, mentally, and socially.

To overcome chemical addiction, "Promise" Psychological Treatment Center offers a diverse range of programs and therapies tailored to individuals affected by addiction. The treatment focuses on providing psychological support and behavioral therapy to help patients overcome addiction and manage withdrawals properly. Individual and group sessions provide psychological support and enhance adaptive coping abilities with new circumstances.

Treatment methods depend on the stage of addiction and the individual's mental and physical health. Additionally, the center provides counseling and guidance for addicts and their families to help them understand addiction and cope with it better.

It is worth mentioning that addiction treatment requires commitment and determination from the affected individual and may take a long period depending on individual circumstances.