

Of all the high-inducing behaviors that may cause an addictive pattern, gambling is the only behavior recognized as a behavioral addiction in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). This is because some of the less common behaviors have not been rigorously researched. However, some behaviors can release the same euphoric substances that some addictive substances release into the brain, such as dopamine, as these chemicals cause an euphoric experience, which sometimes generates addiction

Gambling addiction has become a widespread practice, specifically in the United States, where a large survey showed that about 0.5% of people have suffered from gambling addiction at some point in their lives, and what is most disturbing, is the “gambling problem.” It is a milder form – it may affect four times as many people.

Behavioral addiction disorder is not considered as common as substance use disorder, and this may be due to the fact that the behaviors do not affect a person’s condition with the same force or severity as substance abuse. This does not mean that behavioral addiction is not harmful. Gambling may cause financial problems as well. Eating addiction causes health problems

Each type of addiction poses harm to the individual who engages in excessive behavior or use of the drug, so it is important to know when the individual's behavior or use has gone beyond the norm. You can refer to the following list to find out whether gambling is a problem in your case. If you experience four of the nine behaviors listed below within a year, you may have a gambling addiction:

  • Gambling preoccupies your mind

  • To achieve the desired excited, you increase the amount of money when gambling

  • You have repeatedly, and unsuccessfully, attempted to quit

  • When attempting to quit, you are irritable or restless

  • Gambling is used as an escape from any present problems or bad moods

  • You tend to return to gambling after losing, as an attempt to win

  • You tend to lie to people around you to hide your gambling problem

  • Gambling has jeopardized or caused you to lose a job, relationship, educational or career opportunity

  • You tend to rely on other people for money to fix financial problems caused by gambling.